Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chinese New Year Dance Performances

Sarah was front and center and could not have been happier performing for an audience of 200 plus. We get a lot of attention and people commenting on how cute the girls are, which I think is sometimes more related to them being Chinese -even though they are cute! This audience was 80% Chinese and they still all fell for Sarah's charm.

Sarah, age 5, is in the pink in the front center with the pink headband. She is between a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 year old in red. My 7 year old Elizabeth, is on the far left of the screen in a matching pink pant outfit. She's my serious dancer.

Here is 3:20 minutes of Sarah entertainment:

This one is Elizabeth's dance class, which is an older group of kids and more serious dancers. It is 5:45 minutes, but good beat. Elizabeth is 3rd in from the right of the screen and tends to be in the middle of the focus with Daddy behind the camera!